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baneofexist entered the room.
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[3:09 PM] stormneko entered the room.
[3:10 PM] guest-364811 changed nickname to baneofexist
[3:10 PM] guest-364814 changed nickname to stormneko
[3:11 PM] baneofexist: Hey CP! I need to know if it's cannibalism if I feed fish to my squirtle?
[3:11 PM] stormneko: um...hello?
[3:11 PM] baneofexist: Uh, hey? CP, did you like go transgender on me?
[3:12 PM] baneofexist: CP: I have connected you sir. To another trainer about your age. Perhaps you may issue you
[3:12 PM] baneofexist: CP: Your questions to her from now on.
[3:13 PM] baneofexist: are you messing with me? Sick of me already CP?
[3:13 PM] baneofexist: n-not that I don't mind, I mean I'm sure your a good trainer!
[3:14 PM] stormneko left the room.
[3:14 PM] stormneko entered the room.
[3:14 PM] baneofexist: CP: see she seems insulted now.
[3:14 PM] guest-364886 changed nickname to stormneko
[3:14 PM] baneofexist: maaan, women are fragile.
[3:15 PM] stormneko: i'm not fragile or insulted! ._.
[3:15 PM] baneofexist: really? I would be! 
[3:15 PM] baneofexist: unfortunately I'm just stuck dealing with this computerized jerk off.
[3:15 PM] stormneko: haha, yeah, mine is the same way
[3:15 PM] baneofexist: CP: I take deep offense to that.
[3:16 PM] baneofexist: woah, so like you have your own CP and stuff? Wait! Do you have a pokemon too?
[3:16 PM] stormneko: yes, i do!
[3:16 PM] baneofexist: REALLY? what kind? is it cool? is feeding fish to a water type cannibalism? are you pretty
[3:17 PM] stormneko: i have a cyndaquil, a fire type... umm i don't think it's cannibalism but i would just
[3:17 PM] stormneko: stick with the pokemon food you can buy in the store... and no i don't think i'm pretty lo
[3:17 PM] baneofexist: CP: now maybe you can understand what its like living with such a curious trainer.
[3:17 PM] baneofexist: HEY! I thought you said you would be eager to help me out? How is whining when I use you-
[3:18 PM] baneofexist: helping anyway? Your program clearly needs a upgrade and its not like I want to ask all th
[3:18 PM] baneofexist: -is shit but honestly my starter is a pain he never does what I say and he rebels all the
[3:18 PM] baneofexist: time like a kid
[3:19 PM] stormneko: that will change if you get any gym badges... i think. or just battle more? but i'm not 
[3:19 PM] stormneko: too sure
[3:19 PM] baneofexist: you haven't seen him, he's like i even think it might be the litter he was brought up in
[3:19 PM] baneofexist: not that I saw them I didn't but he like freakin acts out and cocky and rude
[3:19 PM] baneofexist: and he even stole from my friend's mom once! I don't know what to do he's driving the
[3:20 PM] baneofexist: town I live in crazy, my neighbors want me to get rid of him xx its a pain
[3:20 PM] stormneko: oh wow! D: did you get him from a professor, or...?
[3:20 PM] baneofexist: Uhh, yeah kinda.
[3:21 PM] baneofexist: I'm from a pretty rural area, like mega suburbs. There isn't a lot of stuff going on out h
[3:22 PM] baneofexist: ere. So if you wanna be something its like two options.
[3:22 PM] baneofexist: I guess you could say I got my Squirt from one of the guys who made it his life work
[3:22 PM] baneofexist: to gather pokemon. I don't really know where he came from though- 
[3:22 PM] baneofexist: but I have some theories. Like is there such thing as a pokemon prison? Cause I 
[3:22 PM] baneofexist: feel like Squirt would go there.
[3:23 PM] stormneko left the room.
[3:23 PM] stormneko entered the room.
[3:23 PM] guest-365087 changed nickname to stormneko
[3:23 PM] stormneko: lol well there are bad pokemon, but i doubt he would have been given to you if he was-
[3:24 PM] stormneko: -truly bad, he's probably just difficult. >.<
[3:25 PM] baneofexist: Yeah I hope so. He's just such a punk. Thus the name-
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: uh, but sorry I went on for a bit there bitching about my squirt
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: how is your uh fire type?
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: we have like a whole clan here in the village that just raise that kind but I've never
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: been inside.
[3:26 PM] stormneko: he's not too strong yet, but a good temperament.. though not much of a fighter
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: so he's like loyal and reasonable? 
[3:26 PM] baneofexist: UGH thats sooo annoying
[3:27 PM] baneofexist: It's like all my friends and classmates have the same thing, theres do what they say
[3:27 PM] baneofexist: but Squirt freakin wants me to 
[3:28 PM] baneofexist: CP: the lady is no doubt bored with this topic. Perhaps move onto more human compassionate
[3:28 PM] baneofexist: topics of conversation?
[3:28 PM] baneofexist: Uhh, right. 
[3:28 PM] baneofexist: So how did you get your cyndaquil if you don't mind me asking?
[3:28 PM] stormneko: completely by mistake ._. i actually have no idea where he's from too...
[3:29 PM] stormneko: i got lost once on the way home from school and ended up in the woods, with all the 
[3:29 PM] stormneko: while pokemon... i had no way to protect myself, and i'm really afraid of bugs xD but he 
[3:29 PM] stormneko: just sort of showed up and scared them off. and we'd been together ever since
[3:29 PM] stormneko: though I haven't started any journey yet, or anything
[3:30 PM] baneofexist: huh sounds like we really are at the same point
[3:30 PM] baneofexist: although I got my Squirt like four days ago
[3:30 PM] baneofexist: and I already want to strangle him
[3:30 PM] baneofexist: n-not that I would I mean that's animal cruelty right?
[3:31 PM] stormneko: lol yes it would be animal cruelty XD i think you both need time to get used to each other
[3:31 PM] stormneko: maybe once you start battling he'll be happier
[3:31 PM] baneofexist: right well right now he's in my closet because he likes it in there to play air guitar
[3:31 PM] baneofexist: I don't even know how he knows air guitar
[3:31 PM] stormneko: that... sounds kind of awesome actually
[3:31 PM] baneofexist: AW SHIIIT
[3:31 PM] baneofexist: he SHIT ON MY CLOTHES AGAIN
[3:31 PM] baneofexist: GODSAMnfdsg
[3:31 PM] stormneko: ew
[3:32 PM] stormneko: that's not awesome D:
[3:32 PM] baneofexist: its not like my mom can clean it or my dad take him for a walk and i can't
[3:33 PM] baneofexist: pay for obiedence classes or anything
[3:33 PM] baneofexist: ugh right right old topic new topic
[3:34 PM] baneofexist: So like what village are you from? Are you like from Wave or one of those other ones with 
[3:34 PM] baneofexist: wicked long names. Even my home I just tend to call Konoha...
[3:34 PM] stormneko left the room.
[3:34 PM] baneofexist: Damnit, did I do something wrong?
[3:34 PM] baneofexist: CP: No. the connection is weak at times due to your relative distance.
[3:35 PM] baneofexist: CP: even I can not possibly ensure it keeps up at all times.
[3:35 PM] baneofexist: waiiiiit so like she's far far from where I am? Like how far? CP? Are you saying this is l
[3:35 PM] baneofexist: like a long distance call because you know I can't afford that shit
[3:35 PM] stormneko entered the room.
[3:36 PM] guest-365351 changed nickname to stormneko
[3:36 PM] baneofexist: CP: it is merely a matter of distance. 
[3:36 PM] baneofexist: CP: connection reset
[3:36 PM] stormneko: sorry about that
[3:36 PM] baneofexist: Uhhh, hey? I just realised I haven't introduced myself
[3:36 PM] baneofexist: I'm Cash. 
[3:37 PM] stormneko: i'm Riri
[3:37 PM] baneofexist: Hi riri. so your super far away then?
[3:38 PM] stormneko: i think so... I've never really travelled outside of my town though
[3:39 PM] baneofexist: really? ...whats it like then? must be nice if you stick around.
[3:40 PM] stormneko: it's quiet, but nice -nods- not too many people... i stayed because i was in school though
[3:40 PM] baneofexist: oooh, so you can like make patrol right?
[3:40 PM] stormneko: patrol?
[3:41 PM] baneofexist: CP: that is a cultural uniqueness only to you, sir. No one else has ever heard of such
[3:41 PM] baneofexist: bizarre minor indulgeces that your village people glorify.
[3:41 PM] baneofexist: oooh, I get it. it's like only here that patrol exists? well here and the surrounding five
[3:41 PM] baneofexist: villages or whatever
[3:42 PM] baneofexist: it's like uhh, what do you have? The job where you hold down the control and power of the
[3:42 PM] baneofexist: community to ensure it's safety and border security?
[3:43 PM] stormneko: oh, like the police??
[3:44 PM] baneofexist: YEAH!
[3:44 PM] baneofexist: My Dad was the sheriff!
[3:44 PM] stormneko: that's really cool!
[3:44 PM] baneofexist: like in those old western flicks cause everyone here focuses a lot on like eastern martial
[3:45 PM] baneofexist: arts stuff and he loved those westerns with Billy the Kid, and The Lone Ranger!
[3:45 PM] baneofexist: It'd be pretty cool to be like that I guess. but kinda lame since you'd be so far from the
[3:45 PM] baneofexist: water or the ocean.
[3:46 PM] stormneko: it would be cool, but i think also kind of scary! is your town near the water?
[3:48 PM] baneofexist: no no no we have a river but like actually I've been out of my town with my dad on patrol
[3:48 PM] baneofexist: but i was super little, as small as squirt is now
[3:48 PM] baneofexist: I remember visitng them and I remeber organizing which one I like
[3:49 PM] stormneko: oh, that's really cool! i'd like to see new places too, and start a journey...
[3:54 PM] baneofexist: yeah! that would be awesome maybe we can talk a ton when we go on our journeys
[3:54 PM] baneofexist: like maybe even meet up and have a serious one on one battle
[3:54 PM] stormneko: that would be awesome! I don't really know anyone from my town who is going so
[3:54 PM] stormneko: i'll be alone.... but i know i'd lose since you have a water type ;P
[3:55 PM] baneofexist: nahhh I know fire types are big and scary when they evolve right?
[3:57 PM] stormneko: kinda, yeah xD well i like cynder when he's small but i think it might be kinda cool when 
[3:57 PM] stormneko: he gets big and strong because maybe he can carry me around :3
[3:59 PM] baneofexist: LOL that'd be pretty cool
[4:00 PM] baneofexist: I would never want Squirt to carry me, hed probably drop me off a frickin canyon
[4:00 PM] stormneko: awww D: i'm sure he'll get a better attitude about everything soon
[4:18 PM] baneofexist: hope so, ri, hope so
[4:18 PM] baneofexist: well when do you think your jounrey will start? I gotta keep working and going to school
[4:23 PM] stormneko: i'm not sure.. i'm still in school as well >.<
[4:26 PM] baneofexist: oh right. well it won't be much longer for me cause I am not on patrol
[4:26 PM] baneofexist: I'll just need to get a job on the side
[4:27 PM] stormneko: you won't get enough money from being a trainer?
[4:28 PM] baneofexist: you kidding? you don't earn money as a trainer really. I mean you gotta get into gyms and 
[4:28 PM] baneofexist: stuff but here the gym is hard enough to get into it 
[4:28 PM] baneofexist: you gotta beat all the clans first then you can face him
[4:28 PM] stormneko: well you get paid every time you win but you have to give up money when you lose so
[4:28 PM] stormneko: it's difficult >.<
[4:28 PM] baneofexist: and I'll probably start off with nothing plus the gym leader is the Yellow Flash and you 
[4:28 PM] baneofexist: know hes electricity so I'll probably just end up losing!
[4:29 PM] stormneko: ah D: the first gym is your weakness? that's tough... you'll need to catch some
[4:29 PM] stormneko: new pokemon first..
[4:37 PM] baneofexist: Yeah!
[4:37 PM] baneofexist: but I want all water, yknow? so squirt has a lot of like bros and stuff
[4:37 PM] baneofexist: I'd have to travel a bit which is probably why I gotta save up
[4:38 PM] baneofexist: so I guess we should update each other when we like have a battle or something
[4:38 PM] baneofexist: Let me know if you figure something out Ri!
[4:38 PM] baneofexist: I hope we can battle together one day!
[4:39 PM] stormneko: i hope so too! good luck on your journey, Cash! and let me know if Squirt comes
[4:39 PM] stormneko: around and starts to
[4:40 PM] baneofexist: I will! tell Cynder I said sup
[4:40 PM] stormneko: I will! :3